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Nick Faldo’s Teaching DryRainge

Nick Faldo winner of 6 Major Golf Championships (which were sure you know!) has purchased 3 of the 3 bay units for his prestigious Faldo Golf Institute based at Brocket Hall in Hertfordshire England. The primary purpose of the DryRainge been to prevent cancelled lessons – which were delighted to report is proving successful.

“My institute at Brockett Hall is a state of the art instructional center and is the first of it’s caliber in Europe. I did not want the costs of lessons being delayed or cancelled due to inclement weather so I looked for an option and contacted Dryrainge. The three units we purchased have enabled us to reduced cancellations and provide an atmosphere where our students and instructors are comfortable. We have really appreciated the before and after sales service we received. I highly recommend the Dryrainge for anyone that rely’s on teaching golf for a living.”

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Paul Noble

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